Dr. Insinga Featured on SpineUniverse
Dr. Insinga was recently quoted by SpineUniverse regarding the use of Gabapentin to treat sciatica and other forms of back pain.
Here’s an excerpt:
According to Salvatore Insinga, DO, a neurosurgeon practicing in New York state, the first line medications for sciatica are Tylenol, anti-inflammatory medications such as naproxen or ibuprofen (NSAIDs), and corticosteroids. Back spasms sometimes accompany sciatica, intensifying the pain, so you might also get a muscle relaxer.
If these treatments do not provide adequate pain relief, Dr. Insinga says a combination of gabapentin and naproxen or ibuprofen (NSAIDs), corticosteroids, and Tylenol can be very effective in alleviating sciatica and muscle spasms. According to Dr. Insinga, bedtime is the ideal time for administration because of the potential for drowsiness. There may be the added benefit of allowing the patient to be more comfortable and sleep better at night.
Gabapentin for Sciatica: Dosage and Side Effects
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